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Leisure education activities in general, and in particular those that take place in the summer, have a long tradition in Catalonia and contribute significantly to the integral growth of children and young people, as well as to the creation of a society. more responsible and committed. Leisure education activities in which people under the age of 18 participate are a first-rate educational tool and a great opportunity for children and adolescents to enjoy quality leisure and the transmission of values.


The methodology of leisure education, in summer activities such as summer camps, allows them to continue to acquire a range of skills complementary to those of formal education and integrate a wide range of values (cooperation, equality, commitment, healthy living, respect for the environment ...) in the context, activities and framework of personal relationships typical of leisure time.


They can also be used to improve the conditions in which children and adolescents from the most disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds spend the summer months.

The Mn. Bara, aims to work on values education and positive attitudes with children and adolescents from the world of weekend leisure.

The activities are always motivated by a center of interest or an axis of animation that will link all the activities. To achieve the educational objectives, Esplai is based on educational activity, daily life and interpersonal relationships.


Educational activities are planned and scheduled for each age group and are part of the pedagogy of the game, manual activities, physical sports activities, outings, cultural visits, among others.


Everyday life will allow us to get to know children and adolescents better, share their thoughts and concerns, and be able to work on their attitudes. It is necessary to value positively the various interpersonal relationships that occur within the framework of the group, and the richness that brings coexistence and sharing experiences with peers and monitors.

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