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In this space you will find events organized by the foundation during the course (informative talks, training, public events ...), this way we will keep you informed and you can participate in case it is of interest to you.

In the meantime, we invite you to participate in the foundation's online games. These games will help you get to know us a little more and help you decide if the foundation is really the entity you are looking for in order to offer your free time, your experience and your knowledge.

No events at the moment

Mentrestant, et convidem a participar en els jocs en línia de la fundació. Aquests jocs t'ajudaran a conèixer-nos una mica més i t'ajudaran a decidir, si realment, la fundació és l'entitat que busques per poder oferir el teu temps lliure, la teva experiència i els teus coneixements.


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