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book "Who Am I?"

Gianni Rodary

The thinking corner is a proposal of activities to work on philosophy with children and adolescents and is based on the Philosophy 3/18 project adapted to non-formal and leisure education.

It consists of a set of activities that strengthen the reflective capacity of children and adolescents, invites the general desire to teach thinking and aims to develop their social and cognitive skills.

Questions about one's own identity are a constant in the history of mankind. The sooner we ask ourselves this question, the easier it may seem to us to answer it. We may never find it at all, but the path of finding answers, makes us grow as people.


It aims to achieve a minimum of positive self-concept individually and to work specifically on basic social and reasoning skills.

Àmbits treballats:

· Qui sóc jo?

· La meva família

· L'amistat

If you are an educational or leisure center and would like to receive training on this project, you can contact us via the foundation's e-mail and we will contact you.

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