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The Diputació de Tarragona promotes a hundred social projects in the demarcation

With grants worth 1 MEUR that will be allocated to activities and projects in the field of health, social care, education or job placement

Serve and guide young people at risk of social exclusion, accompany families in perinatal and gestational mourning, provide food and care to disadvantaged groups or encourage the inclusion and participation of immigrant groups through reading. These are just some of the projects and activities of a social nature promoted by the Diputació de Tarragona this year 2023. With a total of 1 MEUR, (33% more than the previous year) the supra-municipal institution collaborates with 98 entities and foundations of a social nature from all over Catalonia to carry out projects and activities in the Tarragona region. Projects and activities that fall within the scope of health, social care, education or job placement, among others.


Among the entities and foundations that have received aid we find, for example, the Association Libèlèlules dels Estels (Tortosa), for the support and care for grieving families and awareness-raising and outreach activities on perinatal and gestational grief; the Mossèn Frederic Bara i Cortiella Foundation (Reus), for a pre-work guidance and personal growth project aimed at teenagers and young people from vulnerable families or at risk of social exclusion; the Associació solidaria del Lledó la Taulada (Valls), for the attention and proportion of food to disadvantaged groups through a social canteen project which at the same time ensures to avoid food waste ; Cuentropia (la Secuita), for an initiative that encourages the participation and inclusion of immigrants through the reading of stories or the Santa Teresa Private Foundation  del Vendrell, for specialized training for people with difficulties in job placement.


Through these grants, the Diputació de Tarragona reaffirms its commitment to social action and contributes to improving well-being and the quality of life in the demarcation.

Incentive for special work centers with aid for the conservation and improvement of natural spaces

Encouraging the employment of people with disabilities and at the same time promoting the conservation and improvement of natural spaces in Camp de Tarragona, the Terres de l'Ebre and the Baix Penedès. With this dual objective, the Provincial Council of Tarragona has granted grants worth 219,341 euros to various special work centers and companies dedicated to the employment of people with disabilities and risk of social exclusion through conservation actions and improvement of the environment. The subsidies have been granted to a dozen entities in the demarcation, among which there are  the Ginac Private Foundation, Aprodisca Batuke, the Aurora Special Work Center or the Empresa d'Inserció Sociolaboral and Serra de Llaberia Environmental Services SL.

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